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- Carpet cleaning service, carpet clean, Sunnyvale, Ca

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Topics see sections below for more information

Common color problems on carpet

How to deal with wet flooded carpet


We have over 30 years of experience and are Factory trained and certified. We bring all this experience to excel. 

This is why our Carpet Cleaning customers and clients in Sunnyvale trust us and call us over and over again to clean their textiles rugs sofa and carpet care. Although they don't call as often as they should because our carpet cleaning stays cleaner longer. 

I always ask if thy got it cleaned since the last time which was four years ago and they say it stayed clean that long so no need to call anyone else just us.


Carpet cleaning Sunnyvale understands the dirt on carpets. the weaves need to be taken into account because of the high low areas will not be cleaned if you use the improper equipment.


Tufts on a carpet need to remain twisted as when they are new. some scrubbing machines will untwist the fiber and adversely affect the pattern of the carpet  fabric or rug.


Plush woven wool blends tuft berber are all not the same. 


seams are an area where we notice the failed attempts of someone trying to perform carpet care or clean a carpet because if not cleaned carefully they will separate and the backing will also separate which is how carpet end up with bubbles in the middle of a room.


The bonding on wall to wall carpet is also very delicate. So whether you have a broadloom or a berber we know how to Steam clean carpet 


Not only does our carpet cleaning last longer but the fibers will have a longer life because we don't use harsh equipment or chemicals that could and do damage carpet or other fibers. Manny carpets today also have topical treatments like teflon or scotchgard  not misspelled. 



Common color problems on carpet


·         Rooms with different color

·         Discoloration spots

·         Fading

·         Patching stains

Room color variation

Every so often I get a call for carpet cleaning  in a house where the rooms are not the same color the fiber and style is the same but the color is different I ll note this as ad discoloration problem and the owner will tell me that it is the same color because it is the same dye lot. I found out many years ago that dye lots differ in color when it is a different dye batch

A batch is like when you fill a tub with a color then dye the fabrics in that tub later you run out or have to replace the dye in the tub now you have a different dye batch and the color will be slightly different

 That’s how you get color differences in a carpet

You could buy the carpet at the same time and save a few hundred square feet but where do you store it? And also after years of use if you put new carpet there will be a color difference because of wear and tear and sun fading or fading by carpet cleaning agents that are not of good quality


Spots of different color on the carpet


Very often I find color spots or stains on carpets that are of a different color

For example you might have a beige carpet with a red or blue or yellow stain on the shape of a circle or line on the fiber I am not talking about spots that are a result of a clear drink spill because those are dirt that accumulated on the sugar residue on usually not to difficult to remove. I am talking about a spot from kool aid® or wine,tea,curry furniture stain bleach etc.

These stains usually or maybe never come out with regular steam carpet cleaning.

These stains require color reducing agents or re-dying as in the case of bleach. I have not seen a dye job where the carpet was repaired or re-dyed and I could not tell the difference. I can always tell when a spot was re-dyed. Sometime the re-coloring will come off as I am cleaning the carpet. There are companies that do re-dying but I don’t offer this any longer because it doesn’t work ,If you know someone that will guarantee 100% re-dye no color difference I’ll be happy to refer him or her. I’ve even done carpet cleaning where a major re-dye franchise attempted re-dying and to me it was not good.


Re-patch the spot

Another option to carpet cleaning is to re-patch the spot

The best work will be done by someone that does carpet installation and cutting everyday meaning a carpet installer. They have the tools and experience. I know how to patch carpets but I recommend an expert, just like I am an expert in cleaning they are experts in cutting and patching with almost no transition difference Specially on stairs when you cut a step now you have to deal with fading from normal wear and tear and many more angles vertical horizontal surfaces vs horizontal on a flat room floor. It’ll be cheaper too.


Fading carpet in large areas

Areas next to windows , ceiling domes also will change in color. The sun ultra violet rays will fade the carpet and dry it severely to where the fibers begin to break off the backing

Re-dying re-patching are options but sometimes it ll probably be cost effective to replace the room carpet.

To avoid this large discoloration using blinds drapes like in the 1920s to 1980s is a good idea, or more modern using UV protection tint is effective.

Until then, I look forward to your carpet cleaning and hopefully with not too many color discoloration issues.

Why get water out of a flooded carpet












Water sometimes get into a carpet because a water line breaks or leaks. Washer hoses especially the hot water hose usually burst and floods the premises dishwashers leak toilet or sinks get plugged then there is contaminated water flood or even rivers form when there is a lot of rain and gets inside the house flooding everything.

What you see then is water on the carpet as you walk you’ll feel it and hear it splashing


 Water doesn't stop at the carpet

It also makes its way into the pad and the pad is very similar to a sponge it will absorb water and hold on to it . The water then makes its way to the subflooring meaning it will get to concrete, wood particle board


If it gets to concrete it will mostly stay there and dry very slowly it might take months. I gave A quote where the carpet had been dried but after three months it was still damp in the pad on a concrete slab.

On wood the water damage will also warp and begin to decay the wood which is organic. It will mildew. The slabs of wood will warp and cause bumps under the carpet. These bumps become trip hazards and also carpet cannot be cleaned properly in those areas because equipment is limited to not touching that area.

Particle board another subfloor of carpet will also warp where it was nailed in and after time it will disintegrate.

All this needs to be dried quickly within a day preferably the longer you take to litigate the problem otherwise it will not get better, it will get worse by the minute.


 Then Odors manifest themselves

After about two or three days you will have odors because bacteria will be grown and when it dries the airborne bacteria will give you serious allergy reactions because you will inhale it. Steam carpet cleaning will be needed at this point. 


Furniture on the carpet?

Also furniture sitting on a carpet will get damaged. The wood on the furniture could get warped and discolored. The stain from the furniture or wood will transfer to the carpet if you have white carpet you will definitely see it.

These wood stains are permanent. Even if you use bleach it will not come out and bleach will also cause a horrible yellow stain.


How do you take care of this yourself?

 If you have a wet-vacuum you can suck up a lot of the water or you can use white large towels to absorb as much as possible. You place the large towels on the carpet and stand on the towel it will pick up a lot of the excess water once the carpet feels damp but no water coming out of the sides of your shoes then you can place fans to blow air over the carpet. If you don’t have a fan you will have to open the windows to allow the humidity to air out of the dwelling.


Or Call us

Or you can call us we have professional powerful equipment to suck the water out and clean it at the same time. Also we have a machine that will squeeze the water out of the carpet.

All this has to be done right away, if you wait more than an hour it will only become worse.

wand on a carpet


We are your best local carpet cleaning Sunnyvale company. We clean carpets rugs upholstery also known as sofas. 

Our local clients and some not so local have trusted us for over three decades to care for their carpets. All you have to do is look at our reviews and call us  at 408-306-1869 get a feel of the great work we do.


We don't just do a wipe down regular carpet clean. we look at the fiber composition and use cleaners that are safe and effective to clean those fibers. 

















We use eco-friendly Carpet Cleaning Sunnyvale systems. Green cleaners are used by us regularly. Our favorite is an ultra-green cleaner called Procyon. 


This cleaner has no odor no color not irritating to the skin and it really works!


Why do I put out one of my secrets here? for all the carpet cleaners to try and copy what I do? simply because they will not know the work I do before and after to get the results I get.

hi tech jet steam clean machine on beige carpet  ready to clean


A number of my clients carpets have prior damage because of aggressive cleaning methods or chemicals that are advertised by cheaper charging companies but at the cost of ruining your carpets.


we care about the investment you have made in your carpets and we do care to use and recommend only what will improve them


We appreciate the trust our customers place in Carpet cleaning Sunnyvale. 


Our equipment is excellent performing unlike what you find at the grocery store or hardware store Our equipment is at least 600 times better at cleaning your carpets.


The reasons are the vacuums suction has to pull air from about half an inch away from the wand  because some carpets are that thick. 

Sofa fabric poses another challenge because it is only about 1/62 of an inch thick and too much vacuum will just seal on the fabric and stop air flow. We are aware of all these thins when sofa cleaning and adjust our equipment to compensate for variables.


Heat water pressure and suction are also greater than any portable carpet cleaning machine at the grocery store

Our heat is matched to safely clean wool silk and synthetic materials. the preconditioned water is vaporized to safely clean the whole fiber not just the surface. 
The vacuum will dry 95% off the carpet giving you much faster drying times sometimes hours rather than days. 

ALl this is important because you can use your home in a shorter time period and enjoy the fresh clean air in your home.

Having clean air in your home is very important so that you dont suffer from allergies to toxins blown into the hosue or tracked in when walking inside the house. Your family can enjoy and roll on the carpet without a a worry.


We can also dry carpets in case of water damage. we used to do all the drying for a well known water and fire damage company we were the contractors to dry everything. 



Another one of our services is sofa cleaning and carpet stain removal. Many years ago about 25 years ago I took another stain removal class which lasted a whole day of just removing color stains. Some of these color stains where from natural sources such as coffee mustard curry milk dog poop cat urine furniture stains watermarks on carpets or sofas mud lipstick  I can go on and on...


​​​​​​​​​​Now some of those stains come out fairly easy with just a degreaser agent and rinse the mud milk orange juice out of the fibers. 


The problem is when those spills are allowed to remain on the fiber carpet it will mildew. And when that happens now you have a more difficult and expensive stain to repair. 














Other stains like hair dye stains and furniture stains are extremely difficult to remove. If you have ever tried to remove such a stain you know what I mean. The colors are permanent and dye the outside and the inside pores of each strand of fiber similar to when fibers are dyed at the dyeing plant. 


I as a rule always tell my potential customers the truth about these stains which is "they will not come out." 

But you will read reviews that say I do get them out. 

So how do I get them out? there is no guarantee. I use a process that could be as simple as a petroleum based stain remover. at this point we are no longer in the green organic field. What we want is to remove the stain period. If that does not work then we use a heat process either using a steam iron or a special steam box that can be placed on the carpet without damage. 


Do not try this at home I use this because I know what I a doing. 


sometimes this system can cause other problems on the fabric or the dye stain making it more permanent so you have to know when to stop. 


The next step is to use a reactive light with a stain remover . Except for replacement this is tha last step. If this sounds extensive it is and it takes about a week to complete but the stain will be gone about 70%. And the cost will be relative to how much time I have to spend on the stain significant. Basically you can avoid all this and hire a carpet installer to replace the area. I know how to do that too but I am usually too busy to tend to patching the carpet or replace the carpet in the room.


In fact I just did a poop job yesterday where the owners had called another carpet cleaning  company and whatever they used made the one stain permanent. I was able to easily remove the other  stains they did not touch.  

Black Powder Stain On Carpet

What is the price carpet cleaning companies charge for carpet cleaning?


The most popular question I get asked when someone first calls me is, How much do you charge for carpet cleaning? They don't ask do you do great work? do you have many years of experience? Do you make sure you do a great job? no they ask a question that has to do with I want to pay the cheapest price. 


I understand it is a way to break the ice or start a conversation but it shows the concern a person has.How much money am I going to be out of. 


We give callers a price that is realistic and after We ask a number of questions we narrow it down to a phone estimate. For residential carpet cleaning We are usually very close to the price it is going to cost. When I give the price often people will say let me ask my wife I'll call you back. Usually they do not call back. because they will go and get a few quotes and find a cheaper one, there is always some one chargin cheaper than the cheapest guy...always.  

Eventually people realize that the cheapest is not always the best or the cheapest. I get customers all the time telling me haw the cheap guy they had last time ended up charging 5 timews more than the original quote, which became much more than what I charge. They tell me how the job was awful it made no difference to the carpet or how the person was incredibly rude and yelled at them all kinds of negative results for trying to get a "deal". Some of them don't even show up to the job and forces the customer to waste time and possibly more money. 


What is recommended on the internet by reputable home design advisors is .20 to .40 cents per square foot. Those are prices we used to charge 35 years ago here in the silicon bay area everything has gone up in price, but you will still find carpet cleaners charging .05 cents per square foot if you want to believe that. Those prices might be good in some areas of the country, just like you can buy a 20 acre ranch for $100,000. Not Here. If you want to find the same carpet cleaner next time your carpet needs great care 

they have to be compensated in a way that they can continue to be in business. Other wise they will find a better paying job and not as hard a job at Mc D's. 


The prices here for reputable professional carpet cleaners that will make a good difference in cleaning your carpet is going to be between 30 cents to 1dollar per square foot. depending on  how dirty your carpet is, how much area or square footage you have and the kind of fiber and style of carpet. Moving furniture will raise the price because it takes TIME to move furniture and then protect the carpet and furniture from the moisture between contact areas. is deodorizer applied because of urine in the carpet, discoloration, odors, wear and tear, do you want to apply protection like Teflon or scotchgard? 

All those applications take time and are expensive for us to buy and then to apply to your carpet.


The equipment used might be a factor in how much a carpet cleaner charges. The cheaper the equipment the less they might charge. I had a client that asked me if I had a truck mount because the last guy showed up with a regular upright vacuum to clean the carpet. fortunately the client was smart enought to know that it was the same kind of vacuum they had in their house. The "carpet cleaning technician" admitted that what he had would not work on their carpet. So they called me. It was a company that sells slate and natural stone. 


About moving furniture


I recommend that you have all the furniture moved out of the areas before we get there. You want to spend your money for us to clean your carpet not to be furniture movers. Your money is better spent on us focusing on the dirty areas. Usually all you have under the furniture besides skeletons is dust which can be vacuumed up with almos any vacuum. I have found long lost and forgotten lizards and turtles under furniture and beds hence skeletons.



Travel fees are not fixed. 

We charge by a minimum to do a job but it depends how far the job is. If it is in Sunnyvale it will be less if we have to drive to Danville it will be more than double the minimum Although it is still ok because houses in Danville are 4 to 5 times larger than most homes in Sunnyvale. 


Cleaning methods might cost differently because some methods can get better results in less time than others but maybe not as thorough like cleaning corners and edges. Our prices are the same regardless of the method we use because in the end it cost us in time or in costs to do the job. The cheaper to operate method takes more time the more expensive method takes less time


We do use steam cleaning, Dry cleaning, Organic cleaning, green cleaning. all at the same price I do recommend what I think will be the best method for your carpet. Some methods are limited by distance amount of dirt and what you may want and why you want it or need it.


Regardless carpets do need to be maintained regularly  Manufacturers require every 18 months to keep warranty active EPA recommends more often dependin on if there are children pets breathing problems . If your carpet looks dirty it needs to be cleaned six months ago. It is better to schedule cleaning in order to maintain optimal indoor quality and carpet appearance





before after result on tapestry
before and after tapestry phone number
Steam Cleaning an area
before and after on tapestry


wand on tapestry

Even the dirtiest carpets can often be cleaned. We have specialized equipment and soutions to give you the best possible results. 

We use Green solution and are conociencious about use and disposal of cleaning agents.

 Upholstery fabrics are not the same as carpet fibers. The chemistry and tools used are usually different in order to not damage delicate fabrics we have the tools and equipment to clean the most delicate upholstery.  

learn about healthy carpets here

Carpet Cleaning | Manny Steam Cleaning | Shampoo

602 Johanna Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94085


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